By Charlene Corson Selbee
Make plans to attend the annual Wykoff Fall Festival this weekend, September 21-24. Dave Schmidt will tap the keg at noon on Saturday at the fest grounds.
This year’s grand marshals are Ken and Marie Baker. On Saturday at 11 a.m. you’ll see them in the popular Fall Fest parade.
Make plans to attend the festival’s dinner theater, Fall Fest Foul Play: Murder at Wykoff Casino on Thursday, September 21, from 6-8 p.m. at Wykoff Commons.
Return performers Matt and Brenda Stier will take the stage at the Wykoff Community Center on Friday, September 22, from 6-8 p.m. Freewill donations will be accepted.
Listen to the sounds of The Bandanas, Casey & The Good Timers, and Bourbon Stiletto at the fire hall from 12-6 p.m. on Saturday. The Firemen’s dance begins at 8 p.m. featuring music by Big Bang Entertainment.
Check out the food options! On Saturday only is the Lions Brat Stand, Amish Bake Sale, and St. John’s Bake Sale. On Saturday and Sunday attendees will enjoy Tommy’s Concessions, True Smoke Food Truck, and Wykoff Fire Relief Beer Garden. On Saturday night is the popular Wykoff Fire Department Chili Feed. A traditional German meal will be offered by the United Methodist Church on Saturday at 11 a.m. at the community center. On Sunday, September 24, the Historical Society will be serving breakfast at the community center from 8 a.m. until noon or until gone.
Kids will enjoy a full schedule of activities throughout the weekend including bounce houses, ax throwing, obstacle course, face painting, sand pile, dump truck raffle, candy bar bingo, carnival games, Nan Kids train ride, mini golf, medallion treasure hunt, and Balloons by Kevin. On Sunday kids have the chance to compete in the pedal pull.
Upcoming Bluff Country events:
•September 21-24, Boats and Bluegrass Festival, Winona, Minn.
•September 21-24, Cranberry Festival, Warrens, Wis.
The Visit Bluff Country Magazine is delivered to more than 1,000 locations in 35 counties in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This magazine has a mission of promoting tourism in the Historic Bluff Country (Driftless) region.
For information on upcoming town festival and events in Historic Bluff Country, vacation ideas for lodging, recreation, dining and shopping, check out the magazine in print or online at www.visitbluffcountry.com.