Burr Oak, a little town on Highway 52, is known to most people as Laura Ingalls Wilder’s childhood home. The town invites you to learn about the birth of Grace here, and the places where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew and developed her love of books and words — where stories flowed from the tombstones of Burr Oak pioneers in the cemetery where Laura and her friend Alice found solace in the quiet of summer afternoons on the hill by the Advent Church.
Burr Oak invites you to come and see the view from the hotel that Pa managed while the Ingalls family lived and worked here — the view of Silver Creek that still flows as it did when the Ingalls girls waded in it. Little imagination is needed to see Laura’s footprints all around Burr Oak, mixed with those of the people who have come to see the places that helped to grow America’s gem of literature and history.
At the Burr Oak museum you’ll enjoy seeing Laura’s historic home, the beautiful area and all of the attractions on this state line area.