Beckie Kronebusch of Plainview, Minn., stands next to the brand new kayak that she won in a recent contest.
On June 30, 2020, Visit Bluff Country Magazine conducted the second prize giveaway drawing of the summer, which was a brand new kayak. As the magazine celebrates 35 years as the premier tourism publication of Historic Bluff Country (a.k.a. The Driftless Area), they will be conducting prize giveaways each month from June through September. Prizes include kayaks, a Grizzly cooler, and a Green Mountain Grill (with WiFi).
Elissa Johnsrud and her son Jackson, of Chatfield, Minn., won the first kayak giveaway of the summer.
The next drawing for a brand new kayak will be July 31, 2020. Please go to to enter this drawing.